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Concordia Cemetery Association Inc.

2011 Annual Meeting Minutes

 February 5, 2012


Eighteen Cemetery Members were present including board members Ray Johnson and Harold Horpedahl.

The meeting was called to order by Treasurer Ray Johnson.

The 2010 Annual Meeting Secretaries Report was read and motions by Val Hagene and Harold Horpedahl to accept the report as read was passed.   

Report from the Board consisted of the following thank yous and the agenda for 2012:

The board thanked all members for volunteering their time and monetary donations.

The board thanked Andy Ulven and family for mowing the cemetery in 2011 and reported that Andy would not be back in 2012 as he was graduating from college.

The board thanked Val Hagene for mowing the Leif Erickson Cemetery for 2011 and all previous years.

The board thanked Val and Delores Hagene for auditing the association’s books.

The board thanked Alene Grover Sladky for maintaining the web site.

The board thanked all who participated in the Memorial Day Service with a special thanks to Lloyd Gunderson, Harold Horpedahl, Kathy Krogstad, Orpha Hoelstad and Bruce Krogstad for making it a wonderful tribute and service.

The board thanked Aggregate Industries for donating two loads of gravel for distributing around the cemetery and church.

Agenda for 2012 would be to continue to straighten grave stones and fill in dirt and seed grass where graves have sunken.

The 2011 Financial Reports were read and motions by Harold Horpedahl and Myron Hagene to accept the report as read was passed.

There was no Old Business.

New Business consisted of the following:

Election of two Board Members was held.  Terms are three years.  Harold Horpedahl and Wescott Tommerdahl agreed to serve another term.  Since there were no nominations from the floor and no nominations submitted to any of the board members previous to the annual meeting motions were made by Val Hagene and Doris Kassenborg to unanimously elect Harold Horpedahl and Wescott Tommerdahl to another term on the board.  Motion passed.

Where to invest funds maturing in 2012 was discussed.  Member consensus was to leave funds in local bank and accept a lower interest rate.  A motion was made to reinvest the money with the institutions that currently hold them by Val Hagene and Linda Koester.  Motion passed.

A motion was made by Harold Horpedahl and Val Hagene to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted by Ray Johnson


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