Naaman's Song Once there was a mighty warrior, Man of valor was he, But he suffered a great illness; The disease we call leprosy. His wife had a servant girl as Sweet and helpful as a girl could be. She told her mistress of Elisha. He could help make her master free.
Elisha sent a messenger out. Naaman got so very angry. "Wash in that muddy Jordan river, That is not how I thought it would be!" "Master do just as he says and Be cleaned from the dreaded leprosy." Naaman considered words of wisdom. He obeyed so that he could be free.
He dipped one time in the river, Two times,and then number three, Four times, five, and then the sixth time, Then the seventh time dipped he. He was then clean from his illness. Smooth and child-like skin then appeared. God had blessed him with His healing, Now the soldier will serve Him for years.
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