Samson Craft Project
Here's a great summer-time project that's lots of fun!
Delilah shaved off all of Samson's hair, but as it grew back he became stronger.
Watch your grass grow....just like Samson's hair!
2. On the opposite side of the cup, draw Samson's face or ... Instead of just drawing on Samson's eyes, you can use craft eyes. Instead of drawing a nose, use a white pom-pom. Instead of drawing Samson's mouth, use a small piece of red pipe cleaner! 3. Fill the cup 3/4 full of potting soil. 4. Sprinkle grass seed per instructions on the package. Water. 5. Cover with plastic wrap and watch for the grass to start sprouting. Remove the saran wrap and see how long "Samson's hair" will grow!
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