

Don't Brag!

 There have probably been times when you were very proud of something you did,  but when you told people around you about it, someone said, "Don't Brag!" You might think to yourself, "Well, why can't I be proud of what I do?"  The answer is that of course you can!  When you get a good grade on a test, or win a race, or finally win a hard level on a video game, of course you should be proud of what you've done. 

The question you must ask yourself is, do you just want to share something you are proud of accomplishing or are you more interested in letting people know how good, or talented, or better than other people you are?  If you have a good friend who is sad about getting a bad grade on a test and you received a very good grade, would you talk a long time about how happy you are?  Is that the right thing to do? It is important to think about how what you say will affect other people. Do you want to make others feel bad?

If you help someone and it makes you feel good inside to know you made someone else's life a little better, it isn't wrong to tell people how good it made you feel to help someone if you trying to encourage other people to see how good it feels to be helpful. If you just want other people to know what a good person you are for doing it, that's bragging.  

Its the "why" and "how" of the way you share things that makes all the difference! Being proud of an accomplishment or wanting to share how something you did makes you feel good is not a bad thing.  Using that accomplishment to make others see you as a good person, or to make them feel bad about themselves is.  

Jesus doesn't want you to brag, either.  He said so just before he taught us the Lord's Prayer.  He said that when you do a good thing it should be done because it is a good thing to do, not because you want people to be impressed with what a good person you are. 

If you do a good or helpful thing, the reward is in having done it and God will always know what you did and why.  In fact, Jesus says you shouldn't say anything at all! The "why" and "how" is more important to God than the "what." In God's judgement, doing a good thing for a bad reason is like not doing it at all.  It is the good things that happen for other people because of what you did, not the praise you get from other people for doing it that should be the reward.



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