

The Battle of Jericho

The Battle of Jericho
For more about Joshua, visit the Kids Pages for June and July
The time had come for Joshua to lead the Israelites into battle to conquer the first city in Canaan, Jericho. 

Joshua was more than a little bit nervous.  Jericho was a very well fortified city, with a strong wall surrounding it.  Joshua had his soldiers camp all the way around it, in an action called a siege.  No one was able to enter or leave the city.  Joshua still didn't know how he would conquer Jericho.  God gave him a plan.

God told Joshua that each day for six days, he should march  all the soldiers around the city followed by seven priests blowing seven trumpets and the Ark of the Covenant.

On the first day, the people began to shout as they marched, but Joshua told them to say nothing until Joshua told them to shout.

On the seventh day, they assembled and marched around the city seven times.  As they made their seventh trip around the city, Joshua said it was time shout - and the people shouted - and the walls of the city collapsed!

The Israelites entered the city and conquered it.  They did no harm to the house where Rahab lived, for she had helped the Israelite spies when they came into Jericho earlier. They recognized her house because of the scarlet ribbon they had told her to put on her door. 


 August 2011

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