

 Deborah, "Mother of Israel"

Deborah lived about 1200 years before Jesus was born.

Deborah talking to General Barak

As we celebrate Independence Day in the U. S. and honor George Washington, the Father of our country....

The Bible uses the word "judges" to describe local tribal elders that provided leadership for the Israelites before they had their own king.  Almost all of the judges we know about were men, but there was one, a woman named Deborah, who was very important and became known as "the Mother of her Country."

People came to Deborah for advice and to help them settle disputes between each other.  Anyone who needed her help or advice could find her sitting under a palm tree (called the "Palm Tree of Deborah") where she would listen carefully as people explained their problems and help them decide what to do about them. That is what all the tribal leaders did, but it was unusual for a woman to be held in such high regard.

Jabin was the King of Canaan, and for 20 years he made life miserable for the Israelites. His army, commanded by a general named Sisera, included 900 iron chariots.  The chariots' archers could shoot their arrows while the chariots raced through the lines and the Israeli foot soldiers couldn't stop them.  The Israelites prayed for help, and finally their prayers were answered.

Deborah summoned the general of the Israeli army, Barak, and told him that God would help him defeat Sisera.  Barak was to take 10,000 men from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulon and march toward the Mount of Tabor.  She told him that the Israelites would win a great victory.

Barak insisted that Deborah join him on the battlefield. She agreed, and Barak and his army defeated Sisera's army.

Deborah's prophecy was correct! After losing both his army and his great general, King Jabin decided it was best to leave the Israelites alone. Deborah's people had peace for 40 years. 

July 2009
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