


  Dovecot Sunday School of Liverpool, England sponsors a website full of wonderful resources and original songs sung by the children of their congregation.  Their website is often unavailable because so many people visit their site and listen to their music that the website exceeds its bandwidth quota.  Please visit their website at and take a look around ... it's well worth a visit!


Daniel in the Lions' Den

© 1997 Steve Case

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This is the second of three songs written for a Sunday School presentation based on the story of Daniel in the Lions' den. For the last verse there is a change from minor to major key, which is quite difficult for children - it takes a considerable amount of practice!

The king retired but could not sleep, no comfort did he find,
But thoughts of Daniel with the lions kept running through his troubled mind.
"Oh what a fool I've been, Daniel's in the lions' den,
And I can only hope that God will save him."

Next morning he went to the den in haste and stood outside,
And then with grave lamenting voice the king to Daniel loudly cried:
"Oh Daniel, are you there? Has the living God you serve
Been able to deliver you from the lions?"

And then from deep inside the den a voice was heard to say,
"Oh king may you forever live!" - Daniel was still O.K.
"Oh king you need not fear, God has sent His angel here,
And shut the lions' mouths - they did not harm me. "


An instrumental-only sound file is also available at

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