

Thanksgiving Craft Projects


A Turkey to Color, Cut and Paste

Click for Turkey project


sample acordACORNS OF THANKS

Make a special bundle of acorns








  Decide how many acorns each child will make for their acorn bundle.  One "Give thanks" and one blank acorn can be bundled with a "personal thanks" acorn.  Older children can write the 1-2 things they are most thankful for on an "I am thankful for" acorn; younger children can draw a picture of something they are thankful for on blank acorns.

For each acorn:


1.  Cut an acorn top and bottom from the patterns.


2.  Use a blank acorn bottom to make a regular acorn   or

    Draw a picture of something you are thankful for on a blank acorn bottom   or

    Write 1-2 things that you are most thankful for on an "I am thankful for" acorn   or

    Use the acorn bottom with the pre-printed message.


3.  Use a hole punch to punch holes in the acorn top following the pattern.  Do NOT punch the gray or blackened circles at this time. 


4.  Cut an 18" length of yarn.  Wrap a piece of scotch tape around one end to make it stiff.


5. Punch out the blackened circle on the acorn top. Tape the unfinished end of the yarn to the back of the acorn top so that you bring the yarn through this hole.  Continue from left to right, wrapping the yarn around the edge of acorn top so that the yarn goes through the next hole from back to front.


6. When you've woven the yarn through all the holes in the acorn top, cut off any excess yarn (leave about 1" of yarn). Wrap the yarn around the edge of the acorn top and tape it to the back of the acorn.


7. Punch out the gray hole in the acorn top.  Slide a pipe cleaner through the hole from back to front and tape the pipe cleaner to the back of the acorn.  Place a line of glue along the back of the acorn stem and wrap the pipe cleaner around the stem.


7. Put a line of glue along the top of the acorn bottom.  Press the acorn top onto the acorn bottom so that the glue connects just above the yarnwork on the bottom of the acorn top. 



After all acorns are finished, twist the tops of your acorn stems (pipe cleaners) together, or use another pipe cleaner as the main stem and twist each acorn onto it.    



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