Confirmation Class of 1907 
Kneeling: Edward Muhle, Emil Boen Seated: Trina Morken, Christina Tangen, Pastor B. G. Bondahl, Mabel Tangen Standing: Gudmund Oberg, Joseph Kiland, Stella Thortvedt, Svenke Svenkeson, Alvin Kragnes, Selma Lee, Thomas Olson, Rudolph Bergland, Alvin Kassenborg 1907 Churchbook page image* Confirmation Date: 21 July 1907 Place: Concordia Congregation, Clay County MN # | Name of Confirmand | Age | Parents Names | Confirmand Birthplace | Knowledge | 1 | Alvin Joseph Kragnes | 16 yrs old | A O & Aline Kragnes | in the congregation | good | 2 | Svenke Karinus Svenkeson | 14 yrs old | G C & Signe Svenkeson | in the congregation | good | 3 | Joseph Selmer Kiland | 15 yrs old | Thorvald O & Marie Kiland | in the congregation | acceptable | 4 | Edward Julius Muhle | 16 yrs old | T G & Guro Muhle | in the congregation | very good | 5 | Gudmund Oberg | 14 yrs old | John & Kristine Oberg | in the congregation | acceptable | 6 | Alvin Leonard Kassenborg | 14 yrs old | Edvard & Kristine Kassenborg | in the congregation | good | 7 | Emil Falk Boen | 15 yrs old | Peder & Gro Boen | in the congregation | acceptable | 8 | Thomas Georg Olson | 15 yrs old | Anund & Gunhild Olson | in the congregation | good | 9 | Rudolph Benjamin Bergland | 14 yrs old | Ole & Anne Bergland | Crookston MN | very good | 10 | Stella Victoria Thortvedt | 14 yrs old | Leiv & Ingebjorg Thortvedt | in the congregation | excellent | 11 | Trina Amalie Morken | 14 yrs old | T O & Augusta Morken | in the congregation | very good | 12 | Isabel Christine Tangen | 15 yrs old | Christ & Gunhild Tangen | in the congregation | acceptable | 13 | Mabel Emelie Tangen | 13 yrs old | Christ & Gunhild Tangen | in the congregation | acceptable | 14 | Selma Victoria Lee | 14 yrs old | Gunnar & Tone Lee | in the congregation | excellent |
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